Paradise Helicopters

A large locally owned Hawaiian helicopter company needed to breathe fresh life into their website. Elevating the look and feel of their luxury tours while remaining true to their roots.

Paradise Helicopters


  • Murmur Creative


  • Visual Designer
  • UI/UX


  • Client Provided


  • June 2020
View Website

Nothing is better than getting a birds eye view of vast tropical forests, emerald green waters and stunning waterfalls. This is what Paradise Helicopters offers it’s customers; the adventure of a life-time and a cultural experience you can’t get anywhere else. Their goal was to bring their website and status as the largest locally owned helicopter tour company in Hawaii (and there are quite a few) up-to-date and increase their visibility. We were up to the task.

Paradise offers many services, such as tours, adventures, charters and experiences all with their own unique attributes. It was our job to streamline the user experience to make sure people understood the difference, make it fun and simple to peruse through the options, highlight what sets Paradise apart, and created focused user journeys that lead to conversions.

We used large beautiful photography and video to transport the user into the helicopter and give them an understanding of each adventure and what they would experience. We created unique illustrated maps to give people a sense of place who were unfamiliar with the area. We developed a concierge section where users can narrow down tours to find their perfect getaway. Along with this streamlined architecture we elevated the brand to be more luxurious through new typography, custom animations and colors.
